Jordan Spring Workshops

Save the dateProject Amal ou Salam’s next workshops will be in Jordan, April 1-6.

We’ve become a lot more than just a programme. I think we’ve become a movement of people who share the same beliefs and share the same ideology. You’re always thinking what can I offer to Syria? I think Project Amal ou Salam is giving people a way to take their own expertise and give that to the kids. Which is so refreshing and rewarding.

(Nousha Kabawat, founder&director)

If you want to join our movement and apply for this amazing volunteering opportunity, send an email to with your CV and a motivation letter.

Twice a year, around 30 international volunteers gather from all over the world to join Project Amal ou Salam and the Children of Syria in working for peace.

We organise five volunteer-run workshops for kids aged 5 to 14: arts, music, photography, sports and health&hygiene. Click here to learn more about our workshops.

We also organise a Career Day for older kids to introduce different career paths and encourage young men and women to think positively about their own future.

Bozza collage (3)

Keep spreading the love!

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